Country: India
Continent: Asia
Capital: New Delhi
Population: 1428627663
Size (sq. km): 481
Language: No, English
Population Density (persons/sq. km): 2970119
Currency: Indian Rupee (INR)
National Animal: Bengal Tiger
National Flower: Lotus
National Bird: Indian Peafowl
National Dish: Curry
National Fruit: Mango
National Vegetable:
National Tree: Banyan Tree (Ficus benghalensis)
National Sport: Field Hockey
Number of States/Regions/Devisions: 28 states and 8 union territories
This Country is Famous for: Diverse culture, cuisine, and spirituality
Major Exports: Software, Textiles, Pharmaceuticals
Major Imports: Machinery, electronics, and chemicals
Main Rivers: Ganges, Yamuna River
Majority Religion: Hinduism